
Memorial Weekend 2022

It all started on Memorial weekend (2022), that Saturday I took Chase to UTMB Urgent Care, and the doctor was like he just has a normal cold, and it should go away with 6-7 days. I believe we was only on day 4. The doctor never examined him, she stood from a distance observing him. Chase had a small blister on his toe, and I asked her about that, and she looked and said oh it's part of the cold. So, we went home and later that night Chase was struggling to get the mucus up out of his throat. He kept throwing up, I end up taking to the emergency room near our house. Now remind you the hospital near our house is horrible. At the time I wasn't thinking about how horrible they were I was just trying to make him feel better. Chase was seen and they gave him Tylenol for his fever and suction the mucus out his nose. He began to feel better, that morning we was back to square one him struggling to breathe again. I called the urgent care again that morning.  I said I wanted to go to the Pediatric Urgent Care, his appt was for 2:00pm, I end up taking him early around 12:00pm instead. Chase was tired and couldn't stay up and having a hard time breathe, they rushed him to the back and put him on oxygen right away. The ambulance was called but because the ambulance said because it wasn't an emergency, they took their time coming. Chase was admitted into UTMB hospital on the Pedi Unit. The nurses began to run testes immediately, they noticed him grunting and said he's in pain; he's not even flitching when we put the iv's in him. My baby was just lying there, the doctors put him a lite sleep so he would not pull the oxygen machine off him. As hour's went on, we waited and waited for results, remind you we were just supposed to be there overnight. As night fell, I got up and stood over my baby to begin praying over him, Chase sat up and looked me dead in my face and began gasping for air. Chase face turned blue, and his lips turned blue. I began to scream I ran out into the hallway asking for help. The nurses and the doctors came in and began cpr on him, as time went on Chase room began to fill up with so many doctors and nurses. There was at least 10 doctors and nurses down in his room. They came out and told us they had to do cpr on him 2 times before we knew it Chase had 7 monitors hooked up to him. When they allowed us to see him, I knew at that moment my baby was gone but they kept trying different things to on. Chase was on an echo machine, a dialysis machine, a breathing machine; that was not my baby in that room. As time went on me and my husband decided we didn't want him to suffer any more, so we called our family back to the hospital to say their final goodbyes. Once everyone said their goodbye's my husband and I went in the room and said our last words to our precious baby boy. Within 4 minutes of them turning off the machine's Chase passed away from sepsis and pseudomonas pneumonia. (The doctor said it is very uncommon for infants to catch pseudomonas pneumonia). Our lives' will never be the same from this day forward.

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Day 6.

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